+7 (495) 796 51 58

Educational activities

Our experts and partner organizations, such as the International Academy of Design and Health (Sweden) and Urban Realities Laboratories (Canada), conduct a series of events and provide a series of educational programs in the field of sustainable architecture and design.

IIM publishes its own regular magazine on key aspects of a healthy built environment and holds a numerous events- from student contests and seminars to international forums with the world's leading experts.

Information and educational activities of IIM in the field of a healthy built environment


- “Healthy Built Environment” magazine

- Design Health web-portal


- 1st International Forum “Sustainable Development and Cities of the Future: Economy, Health, Ecology”


- 1st interdisciplinary course for architects, designers, urbanists, ecologists, developers and other specialists; February 15-16, 2019, Moscow

- Healthy eco-friendly office center

- Smart and healthy office. Healthy office environment

- Corporate programs for employee health improvement (Smart & Happy- Health Promotion and Performance Program)

- Stress management


Our address: Burevectnick Business Centre

18/19 3-rd Rybinskaya street

Moscow 107113

Russain Federation

Tel: +7 495 796 51 58

Email: info@idm.institute


Alexey Danilov

Director of Institute of Interdisciplinary Medicine

Chief of the Department of Nervous Diseases at Sechenov University

Board member of European Chapter of International Academy for Design and Health


+7 926 544 56 78

Head of Sustainable Architecture and Design

Anastasia Churilova


+7 929 611 78 96

Head of Scientific Studies Department

Vladimir Andrianov


+7 929 647 26 01