+7 (495) 796 51 58


The Institute of Interdisciplinary Medicine provides consulting services and expert peer reviews to create a healthy environment conducive to the preservation and strengthening of health, increase of working capacity and productivity, development of human creative and intellectual potential. The health approach in architecture and design contributes to the increase in capitalization (market value) of the property and the investment attractiveness of the premises, the object, the city and the region; It provides an opportunity to become an innovator in the field of socially-oriented architecture and health protection.


One of the key areas of research of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Medicine is the study of the effects of the constructed environment, interior elements, innovative environment-improving technologies on the level of human health and productivity. The Institute for Interdisciplinary Medicine provides an expert environment assessment and carries out research and consulting activities to optimize the working, residential and urban environments in order to increase productivity and strengthen health, as well as comprehensively create a healthy infrastructure that promotes easy choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle.


The Institute of Interdisciplinary Medicine provides consulting services on the architecture and design of residential, commercial, office, sports, educational and medical centers, complex re-equipment and design of premises and facilities in accordance with the principles of health architecture and design in the form of individual consultations by experts of the Institute or in package form. The full package of project consultations includes conducting a strategic session on the site, expert consulting and supervision, preparing a final report and proposals, selecting contractors, developing concept design and a plan for its implementation.


IIM is developing a new unique building standard for implementation in the territory of the Russian Federation, which will be the first in the world methodology for assessing the built environment, based entirely on factors affecting the human health and well-being In addition to the usual health risks, which include the presence of pollutants(negative environmental background), the standard will take into account how the built environment can help preserve and improve health, increase the working capacity and productivity of workers, and also motivate them to lead an active lifestyle. The purpose of creating a standard is to transform the buildings in which we live, work and rest from health risk factors into systems that preserve and strengthen health and increase productivity.


Our address: Burevectnick Business Centre

18/19 3-rd Rybinskaya street

Moscow 107113

Russain Federation

Tel: +7 495 796 51 58

Email: info@idm.institute


Alexey Danilov

Director of Institute of Interdisciplinary Medicine

Chief of the Department of Nervous Diseases at Sechenov University

Board member of European Chapter of International Academy for Design and Health


+7 926 544 56 78

Head of Sustainable Architecture and Design

Anastasia Churilova


+7 929 611 78 96

Head of Scientific Studies Department

Vladimir Andrianov


+7 929 647 26 01